We are honored to have Missionary Garan Patrick and his wife Anneliese with us this Sunday. They will presenting their burden for the country of Nigeria. Brother Garan will also be speaking during our chapel service at Calvary Bible Academy.

Sunday September 20 evening service at 6:00 pm

Wednesday Prayer meeting service at 7:00 pm

 In their own words, “We are going to be church-planting missionaries in the country of Nigeria, which is home to 200 million people.  Out of over 50 countries in Africa, Nigeria is the most populated country, and comprises 1/7 of the entire population of the continent.  Currently, there are only four Independent Baptist church-planting missionaries in the country.  That is one for every 50 million people.  By the way, 50 million people is the equivalent of 2,636 NBA arenas filled to capacity.”